Frequently asked questions(FAQ)


WEIKUOSI is an online learning community with thousands of classes for creative and curious people, on topics including illustration, design, photography, video, freelancing, and more. On WEIKUOSI, you’ll find inspiration from hands-on classes and teachers at the top of their creative fields, so you can take the next step in your creative journey.

What is included in my WEIKUOSI membership?

As a WEIKUOSI member, you’ll have unlimited access to all  classes to watch when and where you want, and additional features such as offline viewing, access to a vibrant community of lifelong learners, and so much more.

What can I learn from WEIKUOSI?

WEIKUOSI has thousands of classes in everything from graphic design to cooking, productivity, filmmaking, content creation, UI/UX design, marketing, crafts, music, social media, entrepreneurship. If it's something creative, you can learn it on WEIKUOSI.

What happens after my trial is over?

After your trial ends, your paid WEIKUOSI membership begins. With an annual subscription, you’ll be billed for the year in full, so you can enjoy continuous access to creative classes year-round. With a monthly subscription, you’ll be billed each month.

Can I teach on WEIKUOSI?

Yes! WEIKUOSI teachers are everyday creatives and professionals who want to share their passion, and the skills and experience they’ve gained in their creative disciplines with a community of eager learners. To learn more about teaching on WEIKUOSI, visit our